Conference papers

2019 Una experiencia docente basada en proyecto para la formación en competencias profesionales

Miguel Ángel Martín Tardío. Una experiencia docente basada en proyecto para la formación en competencias profesionales. XXV Jornadas sobre Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Murcia, 2019.


The European Higher Education Area implies that new computer engineers must acquire a series of professional skills. Some learning methodologies such as project-based learning (PBL) help develop these capabilities. This work presents a teaching experience developed with PBL during the last 5 years inthe Computer Engineering degree. While the students learn about how to organize the infrastructure of a data network in the physical layer through Structured Cabling Systems (SCS), acquire professional skills. It is developed in four phases, to finish with the installation and testing of its own pilot SCS. The project is evaluated with a rubric of 7 dimensions. With a participation of more than 90%, students consider this methodology more stimulating, motivating and profitable with a very good evaluation compared to a traditional expository methodology.

2019 Pisum sativum L. (Pea) yield modelling using Sentinel-2 NDVI maps
2019 Estudios mediante tomografía eléctrica: desde el análisis global al detalle
2019 Synthetic PGV and IMM values for the 28 February 1969 (M = 8) Cape St. Vincent earthquake
2019 Proposal of virtual documentation and dissemination of the information of the archaeological object
2018 Rollout archaeological photography for the graphic documentation of cultural heritage
2018 Patrimonio digital de piezas arqueológicas a través del focus stacking
2018 Representación tridimensional de objetos arqueológicos. Una propuesta de arqueología virtual
2018 Arqueología extremeña fuera de Extremadura; biografías de unos objetos viajeros
2006 Wind as a long distance dispersal vehicle in the Southern Hemisphere
2006 Data Mining techniques in predictive modeling
2005 Optimum digital surfaces models generated by automatic stereo-matching of convergent image networks
2005 A study of ASTER DEM accuracy and its dependence on software processing
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