Journal articles

2020 Validation of flood risk maps using open source optical and radar satellite imagery
Quirós, Elia; Gagnon, Alexandre S. 2020. «Validation of flood risk maps using open source optical and radar satellite imagery». Transactions in GIS, (Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue).

Flood risk maps delineate areas potentially at risk of flooding and are thus a crucial tool in flood risk management. In Spain, such maps are provided as open geospatial data. This article compares the flood‐prone areas according to those maps for floods of different return periods with the spatial extent of two floods that severely affected southwestern Spain using open source optical and radar satellite imagery. Results using the recall metric were found to be very good and are the most relevant to emergency preparedness services as this metric focuses on the correctly predicted flooded areas. It was also found that the 500‐year flood risk map was the one with the best precision and accuracy for both flood events. The results confirm the accuracy of the flood risk maps based on open source remote sensing imagery and hence demonstrate the potential of publicly available and freely distributed remote sensing data in their development.

2020 Columbus: aportes de la teledetección y análisis de coste anisotrópico a un debate histórico
2020 Assessing the potential of multispectral and thermal UAV imagery fromarchaeological sites. A case study from the Iron Age hillfort of Villasviejasdel Tamuja (Cáceres, Spain)
2019 Radiography of an Iron Age hillfort: non-invasive archaeology in the settlement of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Cáceres)
2019 Study of uncertainty and repeatability in structured-light 3D scanners
2019 Assessing the resistance of a breeding amphibian community to a large wildfire
2019 The role of abiotic mechanisms of long-distance dispersal in the American origin of the Galápagos flora
2019 Overstory-understory land cover mapping at the watershed scale: accuracy enhancement by multitemporal remote sensing analysis and LiDAR
2018 Solar potential of rooftops in Cáceres city, Spain
2018 A method of downscaling temperature maps based on analytical hillshading for use in species distribution modelling
2018 Circular Statistics Applied to the Study of the Solar Radiation Potential of Rooftops in a Medium-Sized City
2019 Relationship of NDVI and oak (Quercus) pollen including a predictive model in the SW Mediterranean region
2018 Recursos abiertos de información geográfica para investigación y documentación científica
2018 Early geomagnetic data from the Astronomical Observatory of Madrid (1879-1901)
2018 Analysis of free image-based modelling systems applied to support topographic measurements
2014 VecStatGraphs2D, A Tool for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Vector Data: An Example Using QuikSCAT Ocean Winds
2017 Grandes terremotos en la región Ibero-Mogrebi
2017 Metric Properties of Sundials using 3-D Models from Digital Photography
2017 The 2016 south Alboran earthquake (M w = 6.4): A reactivation of the Ibero-Maghrebian region?
2017 Resource communication: Variability in estimated runoff in a forested area based on different cartographic data sources
2016 Source mechanism studies of earthquakes in the Ibero-Maghrebian region and their tectonic implications
2016 Detection and Labeling of Sensitive Areas in Hydrological Cartography Using Vector Statistics
2016 Local-scale models reveal ecological niche variability in amphibian and reptile communities from two contrasting biogeographic regions
2015 How to describe species richness patterns for bryophyte conservation?
2015 Use of Soil Apparent Electrical Resistivity Contact Sensors for the Extensive Study of Archaeological Sites: Apparent Electrical Resistivity Sensors in Archaeological Sites
2016 Evaluación del impacto del cambio climático en los bosques de los Andes del Norte y Centro
2015 FORCLIM: Impacto del Cambio Climático en los Bosques Iberoamericanos
2015 A state-and-transition model of Iberian dehesas based on spatial patterns
2015 Large Earthquakes at the Ibero-Maghrebian Region: Basis for an EEWS
2014 Design of a WSN for the Sampling of Environmental Variability in Complex Terrain
2014 Rupture process of the Lorca (southeast Spain) 11 May 2011 (M w = 5.1) earthquake
2014 The use of spherical statistics to analyze digital elevation models: An example from LIDAR and ASTER GDEM
2013 A new spin on a compositionalist predictive modelling framework for conservation planning: A tropical case study in Ecuador
2012 Analysis of uncertainty and repeatability of a low-cost 3D laser scanner
2012 Do stacked species distribution models reflect altitudinal diversity patterns?
2012 Estimating the uncertainty of terrestrial laser scanner measurements
2011 The 2010 Granada, Spain, Deep Earthquake
2013 The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake
2011 Modelos de distribución de especies: una revisión sintética
2010 Profile or group discriminative techniques? Generating reliable species distribution models using pseudo-absences and target-group absences from natural history collections
2013 Three-Dimensional Models of Archaeological Objects: From Laser Scanners to Interactive PDF Documents
2010 Positional accuracy analysis of satellite imagery by circular statistics
2010 Full Positional Accuracy Analysis of Spatial Data by Means of Circular Statistics
2010 Effects of the number of presences on reliability and stability of MARS species distribution models: the importance of regional niche variation and ecological heterogeneity
2010 El viento y la dispersión de las plantas
2009 Modelling the occurrence of gullies in rangelands of southwest Spain
2009 Influence of sea surface winds on shearwater migration detours
2009 Testing Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) as a Method of Land Cover Classification of TERRA-ASTER Satellite Images
2008 Ocean Surface Winds Drive Dynamics of Transoceanic Aerial Movements
2008 Propuesta de metodología para el análisis del error de posición en bases de datos espaciales mediante estadística circular y mapas de densidad
2007 Rupture length and velocity for earthquakes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from directivity effect in body and surface waves
2007 The 1980, 1997 and 1998 Azores earthquakes and some seismo-tectonic implications
2006 Methodological proposal for multispectral stereo matching
2005 Learning machines applied to potential forest distribution
2005 Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of SPOT-HRV and Terra ASTER Digital Elevation Models
2004 Wind as a Long-Distance Dispersal Vehicle in the Southern Hemisphere
2004 Seismic Sources on the Iberia-African Plate Boundary and their Tectonic Implications
2004 A comparison between some statistical methods commonly used in predictive modeling
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